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Jon Rowley
February 10, 2025
February 2025 Newsletter
It's time to make some things happen
This ended up being way too long (great stuff below) so I'll keep my little note short. If you've been at 2020 for a while you know we're always trying to improve. Well since I started working out again last month (feels F'ing amazing), I now get to experience what you do daily and am grateful for all the work our team puts in to make it happen.
So we want to ask - how can we make what we do, better. The survey above is about programming specifically however we're always open to feedback (improving) and grateful for all the support (criticisms) you offer to us :).
Have an epic rest of your week/month and GO CHIEFS!!!
89 of you have committed to accomplish something year (we're a bit short on our #'s....). Whether it's having more fun, giving up cigarettes, or dropping some lbs, we want to help you make it happen.
Let's set a goal friends before we get too far in to 2025!
It's like a wine locker at a fine dinning establishment, just good for you. Plus we'll put your name on it so everyone can see how cool you are.
We've long been preaching that women need to lift weights and are grateful to have many practitioners. Now we're looking for more :)
Lower volume, heavier weights - Dialed in specifically for those learning to lift and those who are already going heavy. (Ladies - good podcast here + see the note below from Kelly)
We're doing the CrossFit Open this year and we promise not to ram it down anyone's throat.
We've learned over the years that some people avoid those day(s) weeks so please don't let that happen. If you want to do it - awesome. If not, all good. Just get your butt in here. Participants can pick up a shirt by clicking the link above!
Random Thoughts / Ideas / Suggestions
Wim Hof - I re-read this book a couple of weeks ago (side note, I'm all about re-reading right now to try and absorb what often falls off after the initial high) and I'm 100% back on the cold showers after too long of a hiatus. Read the book and take cold showers or just start taking cold showers. Game/life changing.
Sickness running through your household? Are you on Colostrum? Gut Support? Sleep helpers? these are three things that I credit with keeping me well + that cold shower :). They're expensive but so is being sick. Think about it.
I know I recommended it last month but PLEASE read Good Energy. It could change the world.
We’ve gone through lots of different iterations and will probably go through a couple more before it’s all said and done.
As I mentioned last month, it’s takes more than a class or a week to close a deal. We need a couple more 'dates'. Which is why we’re kicking off a trial month as one option to get started vs. the trial week.
Prefer a 1-1 vibe? Start with personal training.
Ready to just jump in and get after it? Go ahead and sign up.
Just a quick FYI when all your friends ask “What are you doing - you’re glowing” - You can tell them how to get in here :)
You've likely heard the term "macros", short for macronutrients (Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate) or counting macros as a way to dial in weight and body composition. "Leaning out" "lose the fat, keep the muscle" "look like I work out" are all symptoms for which paying attention to macros are the prescription.
Schedule a call here if you want to learn more about eating the appropriate amount of macronutrients for your goals. This can be a one time appointment, receive your custom macro prescription and implement on your own - or part of a few months of 1:1 coaching for support and help along the way. Grab a group of friends and make it small group coaching and accountability!
Talk about hypocritical, right after I invite you to a happy hour, I share the following:
Trying to leave you with an impactful story here and something I hope more people can relate to.
I talked to one of our people the other day that gave up alcohol 60 days ago. (that's 2 months).
He’s sleeping better, feeling better, looks better, and has lost 30 lbs all due to this one change. It’s not just about the alcohol but about the snacking choices, the improved sleep, increased energy / motivation each following day etc.
I know we’re approaching the Super Bowl where drinking is kind of a thing, but my goodness, if curbing that one thing has such a gigantic negative affect on your life, perhaps it’s worth some more consideration?