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Jon Rowley
March 13, 2025
March 2025 Newsletter
I feel like a new client at 2020FIT. I kind of am after only attending 47 classes last year...
It’s incredible. The people are amazing. The coaches care. The workouts are hard, but doable.
How does one forget this after a period of time!?
It’s funny, last year at this time, I didn’t have time to workout. This year, I can’t afford NOT to workout.
And the more I do, the more excuses I find TO workout. And shockingly, the more I’m reading, the less I’m watching the news (still not perfect), the better I’m sleeping, and hopefully at some point that will translate to also being a better husband :)
What I’m trying to say is summed up in a quote I read in a book last month “Progress happens too slow to notice and set backs happen too fast to ignore.” (book link below)
And for most of us, the progress we want is is supposed to be rapid.
Folks, that’s not how it works. Look for the small wins. Get some consistency locked in. If your main goal is consistency, everything else takes care of itself. As a new client to 2020FIT, I wanted to encourage you by showing what's working for me lately:
- Fit: I used to try and block off an hour of time to workout but it doesn’t work some days. The 30 minute banger is all I need / can afford some days. - One lifting session a week - where I just do that. Lift some heavy things. (I hate this but know it's good for me). Noticing HUGE improvements here. - 1-2 S&C classes to get it on. - HYROX workouts on Wednesday’s - Love the long grinds. - A nice one on Saturday or Sunday when possible keeps me well behaved on the weekend.
Anyway - that's what working for me right now. Let me know if I can help you find the right balance!!!
For many of you, see you after Spring Break. For the rest of us - See you in the gym all next week!!
Emphasis on strength - 92% of people want to see strength work. This is huge and I am sooooooo grateful to hear this. WHY STRENGTH WORK IS GOOD FOR YOU.
We also see that most people want hard workouts (80%) and we’re going to place a heavy emphasis on the coaching staff to ensure we meet you where you are on days you may NOT need a hard workout so we can modify accordingly (those days happen..).
We're going to start being sticklers for clean shoes in the gym. This translates to - If you wear them from your car to the gym, you can't wear them in the gym (unless wiping them off). So bring a clean pair with you going forward. We appreciate your consideration very much!!
We're getting ready for a much needed and major music system overhaul which translates to: we may be without sound for a day our two. We'll let you know when it happens and we're going to go with the silent disco theme so bring your headphones!
I was asked the other day “what are you guys doing at the farm” and realized I haven’t shared anything publicly in a long time. Well - there has been a ton going so I wrote a bit about all the changes here.
Oh - and if you'd like to get on the meat list for this spring, please respond here. Limited quantity as wait for the herd to grow so get on the list.
It's like a wine locker at a fine dinning establishment, just good for you. Plus we'll put your name on it so everyone can see how cool you are.
Random Thoughts / Ideas / Suggestions
The Psychology of Money (I love his other book, "Same as Ever". Even if money isn't your thing, this is very interesting.
I'm back on the Best Self Journal after a 2 year hiatus. If you're old school and like paper - this thing is amazing for your mind for my fellow cell phone addicts.
Speaking of which - Even if you're not on your phone - its presence has a huge impact on your conversations, relationships etc. Here's why to keep that thing hidden.
You've likely heard the term "macros", short for macronutrients (Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate) or counting macros as a way to dial in weight and body composition. "Leaning out" "lose the fat, keep the muscle" "look like I work out" are all symptoms for which paying attention to macros are the prescription.
Schedule a call here if you want to learn more about eating the appropriate amount of macronutrients for your goals. This can be a one time appointment, receive your custom macro prescription and implement on your own - or part of a few months of 1:1 coaching for support and help along the way. Grab a group of friends and make it small group coaching and accountability!
We’ve gone through lots of different iterations and will probably go through a couple more before it’s all said and done.
As I mentioned last month, it’s takes more than a class or a week to close a deal. We need a couple more 'dates'. Which is why we’re kicking off a trial month as one option to get started vs. the trial week.
Prefer a 1-1 vibe? Start with personal training.
Ready to just jump in and get after it? Go ahead and sign up.
Just a quick FYI when all your friends ask “What are you doing - you’re glowing” - You can tell them how to get in here :)