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Jon Rowley


January 8, 2025

January 2025 Newsletter

Dreams + Paper + Awesome People = Things Happen.

I tried to hammer this point last month, but perhaps I wasn't clear enough.

We want to help you get to where you want to be. We need to. It's kind of why we get up in the morning. And something magical happens when you write on paper in front of a bunch of people who like being around other successful people.

Thinking more about goals, I'm turning 40 this year, so I'm reflecting a bit more about my mortality and that I need to cherish every moment but also keep a long-term viewpoint about establishing the right foundation for the next 40 years (great podcast below).

As much as we all want to accomplish our goals for the year​, next month, it's a long-term game.

Tony Robbins has a great quote I'm trying to internalize "You overestimate what you will accomplish in a year and you underestimate what you can do in 10 years"

Get it on paper and let us all (our team AND the community) help you make it happen!

Have a great weekend!!


A Note from Kelly!

"How many plants do you eat in a day?  Go ahead, count them up.

If you are like 88% of Americans, it's NOT NEARLY ENOUGH.  

Make this soup and you are well on your way - there are 9 plants in that bowl!

You will also be well on your way to nailing our next FREE Challenge - Eat 40 Plants in 7 Days.

Eating more plants improves digestion, keeps you fuller longer, and has a positive effect on metabolism.  Sounds like a delicious way to improve your health, drop some lbs, and have more energy.  

The Challenge starts January 20 and you can read all about it here.

If your New Year's Goal involves optimizing performance in the gym, it is worthwhile to take a look at your nutrition.  Nutrition and fitness go hand in hand, improving one makes it easier to improve the other.  

Schedule a call or chat me at the gym if you're curious.  We offer one time consultations and ongoing 1:1 coaching."

Think of it as a wine locker at a high-end restaurant,​ just better. This will keep you accountable to come back and visit your locker/get a workout in. We'll even put your name on it for all to see, free of charge.

Some Health Motivation / Resources

I just re-read Anxious Generation. If you have children, know children, or are a child yourself like me, this is a MUST read. Must must read.

This is a pretty good example of what we're going for as it relates to aging well (he's in his 70's). I've followed Mark Sisson for years and not sure I could live without his Primal chipotle mayo :)

Get off the Socials? Something that bogged me down in 2024 was podcasts and the news (social media). I’m back to abstaining from them both (it’s funny/sad how they sneak back in to your life). Doing everything I can to try and get another hour of my day back.

Did you see that it's been officially confirmed that, alcohol (though fun) is bad for you? If you haven't started Dry January, maybe this will give you a good excuse :)

I need more than one date to close a deal

You can ask my wife Britni that the only chance I had of winning her favor was a second date and then a third date and then a fourth etc. Honestly I think of our gym the same way. When you're considering a life altering decision like marriage, or joining a gym, you want to go on a couple of dates. It's really hard to make a call with one class or even one week.

For that reason we're getting back to our roots a bit, where if you want to join, you have to commit at least a little bit to get a proper feel. No pun intended, ha. More to come but the above is what's in the pipeline as we re-commit in 2025.

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