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Jon Rowley


May 17, 2024

May 2024 Newsletter

Back in the old days we used to do the classic HERO workout Murph every Memorial day to honor our veterans. It didn't seem adequate enough to do one workout, so several years ago we started to do a HERO WEEK. And on top of doing something hard, we wanted to do something that would positively affect the veteran community.

The last two years, with your, help we've been able to purchase 4 service dogs that are currently helping 4 veterans and their families. With this year's partnership, we're looking to put our dollars toward helping even more veterans by promoting long-term wellness with our partner at Mission 22.

"Mission 22 provides support to Veterans and their families when they need it most: right now. Through a comprehensive approach of outreach, events, and programs, we’re promoting long-term wellness and sustainable growth."

3 ways to donate:

1. Register for HERO week and tell us how much to donate when you register.

2. Venmo: @PV2020fit

3. Check payable to 2020FIT

***Note. If you are not a 2020FIT client, you can still participate! Minimum donation of $50.

Coaching Note for HERO week:

Simply do the hardest version each day that you can do. You do NOT have to do the workouts as written, but do something that will challenge you for the given day given your experience, your stress levels, and most importantly how you want to feel the next day.

(this is kind of what we should be doing everyday... :)

Welcome to the team Brooke & Matt!

Matt comes to us with a long history of personal training. He joins the team full-time after being a part-time coach over the last year. He is also taking over as our Facility Manager role to further dial things in around the gym.

Brooke joins us from Orange Theory after coaching there the last couple of years. She may look familiar as she's been a client here for the last year! On top of coaching she's going to be working to help us improve our marketing efforts.

Want to dial in your nutrition to maximize the work you're doing in the gym? Get with Kelly and she'll help you take it to the next level!

Want to learn how to trail run from two world class runners? Join them at 6 pm on Wednesday's out at Swope Park to learn from the best and to gear up for the Middle Creek Meltdown. Email to get connected.

Challenge yourself this summer with a trail race at the farm!

The Short Courses - 5 Miles or 10 miles.

The Long Course - 15 miles = 3 laps

Forward to friends, family, colleagues - It's always a blast!!

Sign up here

I saved this for the end as I have a question for you and would love a response vs. putting out some survey. Is what we do intimidating? How can we make it less so?

To date, I don't recall someone coming in to our gym and regretting having worked out. It's usually the inverse - the regret of not coming in. :)

So in an effort to get more of you and your friends to come in the door, I'd love to know what we can do to make what we do less intimidating for others? If you have any insights, my ears are always wide open and just holler back here. Thanks so much!!

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