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Jon Rowley


July 23, 2024

Sign Up For Something

This last weekend I was up in Green Lake Wisconsin for our annual family vacation (I grew up in Green Lake) which happened to coincide with a triathlon that is hosted in our small town (1,001 people) each year.

Small Town -Big Smiles

Yes - we’re to be on ‘vacation’ while we’re up here but I couldn’t help myself so I signed up for the event knowing full well I wouldn’t have time (read: take time) to train for the race which was a 1 mile open water swim, 25 mile bike ride, and 6 mile run. That said - It was something on the calendar that I had to be cognizant of and had to stay healthy for so I could somewhat enjoy the experience.

My crew waiting for me after I finished the bike

And by enjoy - the highlight without a doubt was my 7 and 5 year olds rode along on their bikes while I was on the run. So a huge side benefit was showing them that dad can do some hard things. This is all to say that if I didn’t put things on the calendar from time to time, I would have a lot less direction in my fitness/health world. It doesn’t have to be weekly or monthly but certainly having something on the calendar a couple of times per year keeps the competitive juices flowing and it keeps you from slipping (too far) as the rest of your life tries to get in the way.

Best pacers ever who rode with me during the run

Sign up for something - You’ll regret it about 10 minutes in to the race as did and likely have a small panic attack but feel amazing afterward! - HA.

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